Nacional Census

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Publication 2011 Census. International and Internal Migration of Population of the Śląskie Voivodship

The publication contains information on the state and demographic and social structure of the population by the period of residence in the locality of actual place of residence and internal migration of the population for temporary stay. The elaboration also contains data on immigrants and emigrants by sex, age, de facto civil status, educational level, country of birth and citizenship, economic activity, sources of maintenance and directions of migration. The elaboration contains an analytical comment, enriched with a graphic presentation and a tabular part, which consists of review tables, result tables and precision tables. The whole is preceded by general comments and methodical notes containing a description of the sources of information and basic definitions and concepts in the field of migration of population.

Publication CENSUS 2011 – Households and Families in the Śląskie Voivodship. Demographic Characteristics

The publication contains data on the number and structure of households by their size, family composition and generational groups as well as information on the number and types of families, the number of children, including dependent children up to the age of 24, based on the 2011 Census results. The census results in relation to households were obtained by the generalisation of data collected in the sampling survey on a random sample of 20% of dwellings on a national scale. So as to present changes in the period between the censuses, basic information was provided against the background of the 2002 Census results.

Publication CENSUS 2011 – Population and Households in the Śląskie Voivodship. Size and Socio-economic structure

The elaboration contains a detailed description of the population and households by source of maintenance, in conjunction with demographic and socio-economic characteristics, including disabled persons and households with disabled persons, based on the results of the National Population and Housing Census 2011. It should be stressed that responding to questions on disability was carried out on a voluntary basis. Data from this area were derived by generalization of data collected in 20% of the sample (in the country) of people living or staying in randomly selected dwellings. In order to illustrate the changes occurring in the period between censuses basic information has been presented on the background of results of the National Population and Housing Census 2002.

Publication The 2011 Census – Economic Activity of the Population in the Slaskie Voivodship

The publication contains data characterizing the situation of inhabitants of the Śląskie Voivodship from the point of view of their status on the labor market, i.e., employed persons, unemployed persons and economically inactive persons. Each of these have been described in terms of demographic, social and economic features. The elaboration contains also basic indicators characterizing the situation on the labour market.

Publication CENSUS 2011 – Dwellings in the Slaskie Voivodship

Publication contains data characterizing the state of dwelling stocks on the territory of the Slaskie Voivodship - volume and the quality of the existing state (by type, size, age, fittings with technical-sanitary installations and entities being owners of dwellings) as well as basic indicators concerning living conditions. Data concern particularly inhabited dwellings, of which permanently inhabited dwellings.

Publication The 2011 Census - Inhabited Buildings in the Slaskie Voivodship

The publication contains information on buildings by type, age, size, form of ownership and fittings with basic technical installations, taking into account dwelling stocks within these buildings. Results were presented for total voivodship and in the division by powiats, urban areas and rural areas.

Publication National Population and Housing Census 2011 – Population in the Slaskie Voivodship. State and Demographic and Social Structure

The publication contains data on demographic and social structure of inhabitants of the Śląskie Voivodship. A wide range of information on the status and demographic structure of the population actually living – by sex, age, marital status, has been enriched with social characteristics including country of birth of the population, nationality, national-ethnic and religious identities, as well as the level and direction of education. The elaboration also presents characteristics of persons residing in collective living quarters and homeless persons.

Publication National Population and Housing Census 2011 – Report on Results in the Slaskie Voivodship

Basic results of the National Population and Housing Census 2011 in the field of the following subject areas: population, state and demographic as well as social structure; chosen aspects of economic characteristics (economic activity and unemployment, sources of maintenance); international and internal migrations of population of the voivodship; households and families; resources: buildings and dwellings.

Publication Agricultural Census 2010 – Characteristics of Agricultural Holdings in the Slaskie Voivodship

Analysis of agricultural holdings taking into account features of users of agricultural holdings, structure of incomes of households with users, area groups of agricultural land, kind of conducted activity, magnitude of agricultural production, livestock, agricultural tractors and machines, methods of agricultural production, agricultural types and economic magnitude.

Publication Agricultural Census 2010 - Report with Results from the Slaskie Voivodship

Provisional results of the Agricultural Census 2010. Presentation of data according to separate issues appearing in the census. Comparison of basic data with results from 2002.