Statistical Yearbook

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Publication Statistical Yearbook of śląskie voivodship 2021

The publication provides information on the level and quality of society's life, economic conditions and natural environment of the Śląskie Voivodeship. Data is grouped into 21 thematic chapters. Statistical tables were enriched with maps and charts. Due to the visualization of phenomena, the publication has an illustrative character while retaining its informative and cognitive function. The current edition of the Yearbook presents the preliminary results of the 2020 General Agricultural Census. The publication also presents the results of a representative survey on the structure of wages and salaries for October 2020 and statistics on education for stage II sectoral vocational schools. Compared to last year's edition, the name of the "Trade and Catering” chapter was changed to "Trade. Prices ", to which the chart on price indices of consumer goods and services from the liquidated" Prices "chapter was moved.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of śląskie voivodship 2020

The current edition has been developed in a new form. Statistical tables were supplemented with maps and charts, which enriched the substantial content of the Yearbook. Use of a graphical form of data presentation allows for easier understanding of statistical information. The publication contains a rich set of information characterising the standard of living of the society and the state of the economy of the Voivodship. Detailed statistical data are grouped in 22 thematic chapters. Compared to the previous edition, a change in the thematic structure of the Yearbook was introduced and a new chapter „Forestry and hunting” was created. The study ends with two review tables containing more important data on the Voivodship in years 2000, 2010, 2015 and 2019 as well as selected information about the Voivodship against the background of the country in 2019. The published statistical material was supplemented with general comments containing explanations on the terminology, methodology and scope of information.

Publication Śląskie Voivodship. Subregions, Powiats, Gminas

The publication contains a rich set of statistical data characterizing the standard of living and state of the economy in Śląskie Voivodship in the territorial breakdown. It complements The Statistical Yearbook of The Ślaskie Voivodship 2019. Statistical data on subregions, powiats and gminas is presented in 16 thematic sections preceded by general notes. Publication begins with review tables containing basic categories of data for voivodship for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014–2018 and selected data regarding the diversity of socio-economic phenomena in 2010 and 2018 according to subregions and powiats. In current edition of the publication, data on municipal infrastructure are presented in the chapter “Environmental protection”. The chapter “Administrative division and local government” presents information on councillors elec¬ted to the organs of local government units in the elections held in autumn 2018. The entire publication has been enriched with graphic illustration in the form of maps and charts.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of śląskie voivodship 2019

The publication contains a rich set of information characterizing living conditions of society and state of the economy of Śląskie Voivodship. Publication begins with review tables presenting the general picture of the voivodship against the background of the country in 2018 and major data for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014-2018. Statistical data are presented in 22 thematic chapters preceded by general notes containing explanations of the terminology, methodology and scope of published information. The current edition of the publication presents information on councillors elected to the organs of local government units in the elections held in autumn 2018. The “Household budgets” chapter has been renamed to “Households. Dwellings” to which the households projection table has been moved from the “Population” chapter and most of the tables from the previous chapter “Municipal infrastructure”. Dwellings” chapter (with the exception of tables on municipal waste and liquid waste and generally accessible green areas and green areas of housing estates, which are included in the “Environmental protection” chapter). To the chapter “Wages and salaries. Social benefits”, the table “Benefits from the Family 500+ programme” was added, which contains information from the previous table “Family support” from the chapter “Health care and social welfare”. The entire publication has been enriched with a set of charts and maps.

Publication Śląskie voivodship 2018. Subregions, powiats, gminas

The publication contains a comprehensive set of statistical data characterizing the standard of living of the society and the state of the economy of the Śląskie Voivodship in the system of territorial division units. The publication complements the "Statistical Yearbook of śląskie voivodship 2018”. Statistical data on subregions, powiats and gminas are presented in 16 thematic chapters preceded by general notes. The publication begins with: a review table presenting general characteristics of the voivodship in the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2013-2017, as well as a table containing selected categories characterizing regional differentiation of socio-economic phenomena in the years 2010 and 2017. The whole is completed with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and charts.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of śląskie voivodship 2018

The publication contains an extensive set of data characterizing the living standards, as well as the state of the economy and the natural environment of the voivodship. Data included in 23 thematic sections are preceded by general notes and review tables presenting the voivodship against the background of the country and more important data about the voivodship in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2013-2017. In the current edition of the Yearbook supplements were introduced regarding: the new education system, in force from the 2017/18 school year, forms of assistance for families, including the governmental programme "Family 500+" and changes in the Classification of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS), established in order to compile comparable data for regional statistics in the European Union, in force from 1 I 2018. The whole is enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of charts and maps.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of the Slaskie Voivodship 2017

The publication contains an extensive set of data characterizing the living standards, as well as the state of the economy and the natural environment of the voivodship. Data included in 23 thematic sections are preceded by general notes and review tables presenting the voivodship against the background of the country and more important data about the voivodship in 2000, 2005, 2010, 2012-2016. In the current edition, information on forms of assistance for families was expanded, taking into account the governmental programme "Family 500+". The whole is enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and charts.

Publication Slaskie Voivodship 2017 - subregions, powiats, gminas

The publication contains a comprehensive set of statistical data characterizing the standard of living of the society and the state of the economy of the Śląskie Voivodship in the system of territorial division units. The publication complements the "Statistical Yearbook of the Śląskie Voivodship 2017”. Statistical data on subregions, powiats and gminas are presented in 16 thematic chapters preceded by general notes. The publication begins with: a review table presenting general characteristics of the voivodship in the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2012-2016, as well as a table containing selected categories characterizing regional differentiation of socio-economic phenomena in the years 2005 and 2016. The whole is completed with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and charts.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of the Slaskie Voivodship 2016

The yearbook provides a comprehensive set of data characterizing living standards, economic potential and the state of the natural environment of the voivodship. Statistical data included in 23 thematic blocks are preceded by general notes and review tables containing major data on the voivodship in the years 2000, 2005, 2010-2015 and selected data on the voivodship against the background of the country. In the current edition, the projection on households for the years 2016-2050 is additionally included as well as data concerning health condition of the population on the basis of the “European Health Interview Survey” results. The whole is enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and charts.

Publication Slaskie Voivodship 2016 - subregions, powiats, gminas

The publication contains a rich set of statistical information characterizing living conditions and the state of the economy of the Śląskie Voivodship in territorial breakdown. The publication complements the "Statistical Yearbook of the Śląskie Voivodship 2016. Statistical data on subregions, powiats and gminas are included in 16 thematic chapters preceded by general notes. The main body of the elaboration is preceded by: a review table presenting general characteristics of the voivodship in the years 2000, 2005, 2010-2015 as well as a table containing selected categories characterizing regional differentiation of socio-economic phenomena in the years 2005 and 2015. The whole is completed with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and charts.

Publication Slaskie Voivodship 2015 - subregions, powiats, gminas

The publication contains a rich set of statistical information characterizing living conditions and the state of the economy of the Śląskie Voivodship in spatial terms. The publication complements the "Statistical Yearbook of the Śląskie Voivodship 2015". Presentation of selected data on gminas, powiats and subregions grouped into 16 thematic chapters enables comparisons and analyzes on the diversity of phenomena at regional level. Each chapter is preceded by general notes containing definitions and methodological explanations. The whole is enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and charts.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of the Slaskie Voivodship 2015

The yearbook provides a comprehensive set of data characterizing living standards, economic potential and the state of the natural environment of the voivodship. In the current edition for the first time results of the balance of the number and structure of the resident population (category developed for international statistics) are presented. In addition, it also includes information on population projection till 2050, taking into account changes in the retirement age limit. In the chapter "Education" fields of education of students are for the first time presented in accordance with the new International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-F 2013). Statistical data included in 23 thematic blocks are preceded by general notes and review tables containing major data on the voivodship in the years 2000, 2005, 2009-2014 and selected data on the voivodship on the background of the country. The whole is enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and charts

Publication Statistical Yearbook of the Slaskie Voivodship 2014

The publication contains a comprehensive set of data describing the standard of living, economic potential and the state of the natural environment in the voivodship. Presented in this year's edition data on regional accounts are compiled in accordance with the principles of the "European System of Accounts (ESA 2010)", which replaced the "European System of Accounts (ESA 1995)". As far as households budgets in 2013 are concerned, expenses on consumer goods and services are aggregated according to the Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP). In addition, the Yearbook contains information on population projection to the year 2050. Statistical data included in 23 thematic blocks are preceded by general notes and review tables containing major data on the voivodship in years 2000, 2005, 2008-2013 as well as selected data on the voivodship on the background of the country. The statistical material has been enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and diagrams.

Publication Slaskie Voivodship 2014 - subregions, powiats, gminas

The publication contains a rich set of statistical information characterizing living conditions and the economy of the Śląskie Voivodship in a spatial breakdown. The edition is a supplement to the "Statistical Yearbook of the Śląskie Voivodship 2014". Presentation of selected data on gminas, powiats and subregions grouped in themes enables to make comparisons and analyses of occurrences on a regional level. Detailed statistical data are contained in 16 chapters. Each of the chapters comprises general notes with definitions and explanations. The statistical material has been enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and diagrams.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of the Slaskie Voivodship 2013

The publication contains a comprehensive set of data describing the standard of living and the state of the voivodship’s economy. This year's edition has been enriched with additional information on child care, family support and family and institutional foster care. Moreover, results of the National Population and Housing Census conducted in 2011 are presented concerning households and disabled persons. Statistical data included in 23 thematic blocks are preceded by general notes and review tables containing major data on the voivodship in years 2000-2012 as well as selected data on the voivodship on the background of the country. The statistical material has been enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and diagrams.

Publication Slaskie Voivodship 2013 - subregions, powiats, gminas

The publication contains a rich set of statistical information characterizing living conditions and the economy of the Śląskie Voivodship in a spatial breakdown. The edition is a supplement to the "Statistical Yearbook of the Śląskie Voivodship 2013". Presentation of selected data on gminas, powiats and subregions grouped in themes enables to make comparisons and analyses of occurrences on a regional level. This year’s edition has been broadened with additional data on environmental protection, labour market, education and regional accounts. Each of the chapters comprises general notes with definitions and explanations. The statistical material has been enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and diagrams.

Publication Slaskie Voivodship 2011 - subregions, powiats, gminas

The publication contains a rich set of statistical information characterizing living conditions and the economy of the Śląskie Voivodship in a spatial breakdown. The edition is a supplement to the "Statistical Yearbook of the Śląskie Voivodship 2013". Presentation of selected data on gminas, powiats and subregions grouped in themes enables to make comparisons and analyses of occurrences on a regional level. This year’s edition has been broadened with additional data on environmental protection, labour market, education and regional accounts. Each of the chapters comprises general notes with definitions and explanations. The statistical material has been enriched with a graphic illustration in the form of maps and diagrams.