Sustainable Development Indicators for Poland

Date of publication: | 10.11.2011 |
We would like to present the publication ”Sustainable Development Indicators for Poland” showing results of works conducted within the project “Support the Development of Indicator Sets for Monitoring National SD Strategies – Developing and Implementing a Polish Set of SD Indicators” realized according to the agreement concluded between the European Commission and the Central Statistical Office. Basic aim of the project was to elaborate a set of indicators for monitoring sustainable development of the country. Sustainable development of the country, accepted as a Constitutional Principle of the Republic of Poland, has been defined in the Law on Environmental Protection as such a socio-economic development, in which the process of integrating political, economic and social actions occurs, taking into account preservation of the equilibrium of nature and stability of basic natural processes, to guarantee the possibility of fulfilling basic needs of societies or citizens not only of the present generation, but for future generations as well.