Statistical information can be obtained by:
- contacting directly or by phone the Statistical Information Centre
- submission of a written order
Statistical Office in Katowice
40-158 Katowice ul. Owocowa 3
Fax: +48 32 779 13 00
The order should contain the following:
- subject scope,
- topic scope (what kind of information),
- thematic scope of the required data or a specific indicator,
- territorial scope,
- time series data,
- grouping of data,
- form of dissemination
- full name and address and phone number of person ordering.
Scope and form of making information available
The scope and the form of the statistical information provided are determined by the Program of Statistical Surveys of Official Statistics approved annually by the Council of Ministers.
The information is made available in the form of:
- publications (studies, publications),
- press releases and information placed in mass media,
- information provided directly, by phone or by correspondence,
- orders realized on individual request,
- • information placed on the Internet.
All other aggregations of statistical data, apart from those listed in the Program, can be executed (while maintaining statistical confidentiality) on request of the recipient for payment.
Additional information:
According to the Law on Official Statistics of 29 June 1995. (Journal of Laws of 2012, item 591, as amended) the Central Statistical Office provides:
- equal
- simultaneous
- equivalent access to statistical information
All information obtained from the research carried out under the Program of Statistical Surveys of Official Statistics are official public statistics data, regardless of who leads it.
Individual and personal data collected and stored in statistical surveys of official statistics are confidential and subject to special protection.
The term personal data and individual data should be understood as:
- personal information - data on natural persons that concern their living and their physical situation. They always concern a particular person (Article 5 Paragraph 1 of the Law on Official Statistics).
- individual data - data on economic entities, other legal persons and organizational units without legal personality and their activities. They relate to a specific subject (Article 5 Paragraph 1 of the Law on Official Statistics).
These data can be used only for studies, and statistical analysis and for creating by services of the official statistics the sampling frame for the survey carried out by these services. Sharing or use of individual data and personal data for other purposes is prohibited, they are protected by statistical confidentiality (Article 10 of the Law).
Aggregated data may not be published or shared if it is possible to identify, on their basis, the data relating to specific individuals or economic entities. This means that it is not allowed to share data describing results of the economic activity of economic entities, if the data aggregation consists of less than 3 entities or share of a single entity in the compilation is greater than three-quarters of total.