Katowice (January 2024)
population (30 VI 2024) | 278,1 thous. | ↓ |
average gross wages and salaries | 9323,83 zł | ↑ |
average paid employment | 130,4 thous. | ↓ |
unemployment rate | 1,1 % | ● |
dwellings completed | 324 | ↑ |
entities of the national economy | 57859 | ↑ |
commercial companies | 14854 | ↑ |
natural persons | 32732 | ↑ |
↑ The value of the phenomenon has increased over the corresponding period of the previous year
↓ The value of the phenomenon has decreased over the corresponding period of the previous year
● The value of the phenomena has not changed
▮ Green means the change is positive
▮ Red means the change is negative
The names of phenomena have been abbreviated:
• average gross wages and salaries - average gross wages and salaries in the enterprise sector,
• average paid employment - average paid employment in the enterprise sector,
• unemployment rate - registered unemployment rate,
• entities of the national economy - entities of the national economy in the REGON register,
• natural persons - natural persons conducting economic activity.